Look after your investment
Landlord Insurance
As specialist letting agents, we’re well placed to provide advice on the different types of landlord insurance that are on offer.
Get some specialist advice about the types of Landlord Insurance on offer
Probably one of the least used services by landlords and we always ask why? A large amount of customers look at their property as an investment, work out costs, then don’t include insurance. Fairview argue this to be one of the most important things when renting your property out! You will be letting someone live in your property and your only window into the condition of how its kept, is through inspections from Fairview and if the tenant reports a problem, that’s “if” they report it. A leak could go unreported for 3 months or even more should the tenant not notice, or make us aware.
Rent Guarantee is also another service landlords could utilise more. For a small fee of under £15 per month your rental income and eviction costs can be covered should a tenant default and stop paying you rent.
You can always be covered and take a large chunk of risk out of renting should you wish too.
Our services are tailored through our company to cater for the modern Landlord, this is why we partner with legal4landlords so that we can give you information on products which are most suited to you as a landlord. Claims are settled efficiently and quickly.
Some services we can advise on and offer:
Contents Insurance
Buildings Insurance
Portfolio insurance
Emergency Assistance
Legal expenses
Flood insurance
Get some free advice
We’ll be more than happy to advise you about your options and, as specialist letting agents, we’re pretty well placed to offer guidance!
Call us on 0115 958 7791 or